All products from the review: LY2NJ Power Relay Intermediate AC 220V 10A 8 Pin.
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All products from the review: LY2NJ Power Relay Intermediate AC 220V 10A 8 Pin.
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LY2NJ Power Relay Intermediate AC 220V 10A 8 Pin.
I use to use such kind of relay in series with my outdoor led lights, in order to avoid a “line return” what causes the leds to flickering. When using this procedure, the power line is kept apart from the source and so there is none single wire energized. This trick saved me a lot of electrical money bills, because even when turned off, some tiny source trended to arrive at the lamp. For this relay, the coil must be able to deal with local electric source (220 – 240 Volts AC). Unfortunately, despite of all warnings sent for seller, he has insisted on sending me 28 VDC coils, what I could not be able to use. Will need to buy again, due to a seller’s lack of attention (very common these days).