Nice box for internal assembly of a two way circuit breaker. I did a deep research on Ali and finally got this one. It was not easy to find it. It arrived in less than a month and without damages, despite of a very non protective packaging. The card box in which it was contained, arrived seriously damaged, what leads us to the conclusion that packaging could be much better. Once assembled, inside, the double circuit breaker fitted very well, meaning that this box is strictly inside universal standards for such kind of assembly. I really loved it, because despite of its great sizes, was the smaller found.
Online store: AliExpress
Распределительный прерыватель цепи, защитная коробка, настенный пластиковый ящик с прозрачной крышкой для дома, 2-3 способа защиты электрич...
2.59 USD