
3 Excellent Robot Vacuum Cleaners from AliExpress

Today, due to the lack of time and the great popularity of the Internet, online purchases are gaining momentum. In online stores, one can buy any product in any quantity. This also applies to household appliances. You can purchase a robotic vacuum cleaner on Aliexpress which will help you significantly save money. In this article, we will look at the best robot vacuum cleaners on Aliexpress in 2018.

What is it important to know?

First of all, it is necessary to get acquainted with the technical characteristics of the device and its functionality, choose several models and compare them. The design also plays an important role, so when buying a device, you should not forget about it. Based on the information received, it will be easier for you to get an answer to the question which robot cleaner is the best.

The Models’ rating

  1. Robot vacuum cleaner ILIFE V7s Pro has got the best consumer reviews on the Aliexpress marketplace. It is designed for wet and dry cleaning of the room.

The ILIFE V7s Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner has special sensors that detect changes in height as well as obstacles on the way of the device. In addition, it contains a double filter that provides retention of debris, wool, and dust during cleaning. The package also includes a special tank for wet cleaning. Its volume is 450 ml, and it is enough to wipe the surface up to 180 square meters.

Improved brushes clean not only flat surfaces but also carpets with a short pile of debris and dust. Another advantage of the product is an automatic return to the charging station to fully charge the battery.

Video review of ILIFE V7s Pro:

2. The next popular robot on Aliexpress is Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner.

This vacuum cleaner is on the “The Best Robot Vacuum Cleaner on Aliexpress” rating thanks to the option of control from a smartphone. This model has a stylish design, contains many different sensors, which determine the changes in height and obstacles on its path. Also, the device is able to independently build the route and a cleaning plan.

Side and main brushes provide high-quality cleaning of the room from garbage and dust. The robot vacuum cleaner can work up to 2.5 hours, and if it runs out of the battery without completing the cleaning, after recharging it will continue to work from the spot it stopped at.

Xiaomi robot review:

3. According to the consumer reviews on Aliexpress, Seebest D730 robot vacuum cleaner is considered to be one of the best gadgets of the kind. Intended for dry and wet cleaning, the device is equipped with a variety of sensors, and can suck up larger debris.

The device is able to return to its charging station. Also, there is a minor addition in the robot – the presence of an indicator that reports of the failure of the device.

Seebest D730 video review:

I want to mention that with the purchase of the robot, one’s life becomes much easier! Now you no longer need to spend time on dry and wet cleaning! The robot does everything by itself when I'm at work!

Follow the link and buy this little miracle! :)

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